WiBit.Net will be temporarily taken offline for routine maintenance on 9/22/2018. The site is expected to be down for 2-3 hours.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
It was a LONG time in the making, BUT FINALLY, WiBit.Net is
proud to announce the release of a series of Windows Apps for your
Windows 8.1 devices!
We had several requests from dedicated WiBit Friends to
release a new mobile app for the Windows platform. We decided to
two types of apps: (1) Online universal app and (2) offline course apps
The online universal app is simply another way of using the
content provided on the website. You can login as yourself and access
the content you would normally access on the site! This app is FREE and
it requires an Internet connection.
Our course apps provide a similar purpose as our iOS apps do.
You can download the entire course and view them offline! You DO NOT
NEED A WIBIT.NET ACCOUNT to enjoy a course! Let’s say that you only
want to buy 1, or 2, or 3 courses and you need them on the go! Well,
these apps are for you! We have also added some additional
functionality, such as providing in-app attachments. That’s right! You
can save course attachments to your device without an Internet
connection. If you have a WiBit.Net account and you want to track your
course progress then you CAN login. If you are logged into the app, and
you watch videos offline then the app will push your watched videos to
your account the next time the app launches with an Internet connection.
Pretty cool right? I have always been fond of the Windows
development experience. I try not to be a “homer” when it comes to
picking the development platform, but I LOVE writing for Windows. The
Windows Store app development platform really does provide a very rich
environment conducive to developing some stellar applications. Everything you can
possible need is “right there” and STUPID EASY to do! PLUS, you can use
C#, which is ridiculous! I know that MonoDevelop lets you use C# for
iOS development, but you are still hooked into the Apple Cocoa
framework, which is a train wreck (at least in my humble opinion).
At a
later date, I plan to write up a simple article about my experience
writing these apps, and if we get requests, we will record a Windows
Store crashcourse series. But, we need you guys to tell us you want it
We hope you enjoy our most recent WiBit.Net offering! Support
the site by downloading our apps and sharing with your friends!